This book may interest you if you have ever wanted to pray the Psalms yet found it sometimes hard to follow. This book presents God’s word in a manner that helps reveal the prayerfulness of and a smoother flow to the poetry of the Psalms. The goal of this book is to share with you a profound connection with God. To help you grow deeper in your relationship with him.
From the Introduction:
I want to take a moment and share why this presentation of the Psalms came into being. The short answer is that I have found so many exciting and faith building things in the Psalms, that I simply have to share them. The excitement is too much for me to want to contain it.
I’ve always enjoyed the Psalms; the imagery, the emotions, and the honesty in communicating with God. Then, once I learned how to read ancient Hebrew, I went back and began reading these wonderful poems in the Hebrew. This is where the excitement really began to build; for I began to see nuances I had always missed out on before.
These I found by spending time with the Hebrew. Spending time with the words and searching out the meanings of the ones I did not know. I also spent time learning, not only the definitions but also how the words were sometimes used. For the two do not always offer the same meaning. We are familiar with this in our own use of English. I’ll use the word crushed in two different sentences and you will see what I mean. First, “I crushed an empty soda can.” Second, “I crushed that presentation!” In the first, I know you can see that aluminum can being crushed flat. In the second, you understand that I did not flatten the presentation. Rather, that it was extremely well delivered. Languages can be so fun!
As a result of this type of fun, the Psalms started to come alive for me as never before. I began to see more nuance, more shades of texture, and gleaned deeper understandings of the messages contained in the Psalms. It has been a thrilling experience to discover more of the nuances than I could see or appreciate before reading the Hebrew. Nuances which our wonderful translations have difficulty conveying. Do not misunderstand, they do a most excellent job of conveying the meaning; which is the most important part. All nuances can do are to make that meaning more palpable; to help us gain a fuller appreciation of the meaning. It does not create the meaning.
I do want to make this very clear. This presentation of the Psalms is all about added nuance. It is never about a new meaning. God put all the meaning he wanted into the Bible as he inspired the original authors to first write it down, the Psalms included. This meaning has been wonderfully revealed by him for many, many years. He certainly does not need my help in doing so at this time. Indeed, I can boldly say that I have been very purposeful in not adding anything to or taking anything away from the meanings found in the Psalms.
If you are looking for a completely new or novel meaning…. I’m not even sorry for disappointing you. If, instead, you want a richer encounter with the meaning already there, then I hope this will serve you well. For, I am offering a more fleshed out presentation of what is already there.
Through this presentation, I hope to inspire growth in your relationship with God. My greatest hope is that, in this, this book will serve you very well.
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